Speaker’s Report - April 2022

Harmonic Astrology - Luke Bayley

Our April speaker Luke Bayley shared with us his observations and knowledge on harmonics, focusing on 4, 5, 7 & 9. Luke started venture into harmonics after he learnt about Navamsa or D9 Chart in Vedic Astrology, which is equivalent to the 9th Harmonic. The Navamsa Chart is the second most important chart in Vedic Astrology. It can be seen as the internal chart or the chart of the soul from a karmic / reincarnation point of view. This is the chart that shows the true essence of the person despite what they show the world, and their experience in this lifetime. Luke explored research done by people like Michael Gauquelin and John Addey, and he believed Harmonic is a way for us to tune the natal chart into another ‘frequency’. It provides further insights into factors that impact and drive the chart owner in choices and even destiny. Information shown by harmonic charts may be invisible or less obvious if we only read the natal chart.

Luke then brought on the topic of neutrion and shared his thoughts on how neutrion can proof the fundamental concepts of planetary energy impacts human and further presented the question that begged to be asked – Is it possible that some sub-elements in a person’s character can only be detected when we ‘tune’ the natal chart into a different frequency (ie. harmonics)? He elaborated on the reasons why he believed we should pay more attention to 4, 5, 7 & 9 harmonics. He noted that 2 and 3 are too close to the natal chart but using 4 (2 x 2) and 9 (3 x 3) give the purity of ‘two-ness’ and ‘three-ness’, ie. an emphasis of the vibration ‘2’ and 3’. 5 and 7 on the other hand are the first two prime numbers that give them a unique and individual flavour in expression. Luke, however, noted that not everyone’s harmonic charts are important and reveal ‘secrets’, and not every harmonic chart of the same person will be telling a story. Another reason he focuses in these 4 charts is – the more charts we created, the more we need to interpret (which could cause more confusion than it is worth).

We are reminded that the harmonic charts come from the natal chart, and we must always refer back to the natal chart. The first step will always be understanding the natal chart and how that seems to be working. The different harmonic charts are only pointing to the ‘quality’ that is associated with the particular harmonic. For example, the 4thharmonic is linked to the obstacles one could face in life, then a Sun Saturn conjunction may mean the chart owner need to work hard to overcome obstacles and it may have something to do with the person’s vitality. Luke shared that he found major aspect patterns and midpoints between planets presented in harmonic charts tended to show further characteristics and these are usually significant and less detectable in natal chart. He only uses strong (Ptolemyaspects) and close aspects (opposition – 6 degrees; square – 5-6 degrees; trine – 4-5 degrees; sextile – 2 degrees), except for conjunction, which he may sometimes use up to a 12 degrees orb. Furthermore, planets on angles are important.

Luke then further explained the quality each of the four harmonics are related to. The 4th Harmonic is associated with balance (the quality of the number 2), what one is striving for in life, where one is putting his/her efforts in (the quality of the number 4 is about dealing with tensions), what need to be overcome (life’s obstacles), and integration through behaviour. One must (or is forced to) ‘deal’ with these energies and by doing so, one will ‘achieve’ more in life (compare to not dealing with them). Luke found that conjunction of planets in the 4th Harmonic chart usually indicate a struggle to integrate the energy represented by the planets involved. Opposition, on the other hand, shows projection, ie. the chart owner projects on to others as a way to proof that he/she is comfortable with the energy (and their integration) involved but the reality is far from it. For example, a Sun Venus conjunction may point to a difficulty in relating to others and one may find his/her own desire (Sun) influence / outweigh what it needs for the relationship to survive. When a Mercury Mars opposition appears in the 4th Harmonic chart, chances are the chart owner finds it hard not to blame others for his/her own temper or hard to speak out.

5th Harmonic is about what one aspiring towards and what one envisages to build and create in this lifetime. It is very much associated with goals and a kind of mental energy. People who is creative and able to break new grounds usually have a strong and telling 5th Harmonic chart. Interesting, this harmonic can also show compulsive tendencies that are otherwise unlikely to be detected in the natal chart. For example, a Mars Uranus conjunction in the 5thHarmonic chart could mean the person would constantly wanting to change things or creating situations that allow one to be out there doing things (usually differently) or obsessing about mechanics / engineering of things.

7th Harmonic is about what inspiring the chart owner. It is a number relates to spiritual and intuition, ‘things’ that ‘come’ to you, what ‘turns you on’, and the unconscious drives and desires behind one’s personality that drives one to act in certain ways. It is something that ‘sends’ to us and we ‘have’ to find an outlet to ‘express’ it, or it will turn against us (by self-destructive expression) until we do so. For example, someone with a Mars Pluto signature could mean ‘power’ is something that ‘turns’ him/her ‘on’. With a strong square or opposition to Saturn, then he/she may be on a power trip.

9th Harmonic is associate with what gives us pleasure (body and soul) and where we find joy and happiness, and what may inhibit our pleasure. It also provides insight into the accumulation of the soul experiences throughout different lifetimes. It points to the soul behind the person, and in some way it may show the karmic relations to the current life experiences.

Once we went through the basic explanation, we moved to using a case study – Jeffrey Dahmer (a US serial killer) – to examine the four harmonic charts and their relations to Dahmer’s behaviour. Luke also showed us the using of mid-points in this particular case (which provided exceptional indications of Dahmer’s actions), starting from his natal chart to all 4 harmonic charts. The first interesting fact being Neptune being the mid-point of Mercury and Mars in the natal and all 4 harmonic charts (which could indicate one’s tendency to lie and / or harm others through falsehood or underhanded behaviour). It is nearly like ‘shouting’ the same message over and over again. The second being Moon always on an angle (natal and all 4 harmonic charts) which indicated his mother had strong influence on him. While his natal chart showed the tendency of certain things, it is the repeating emphasis of the same theme throughout all 4 harmonic charts (plus a few other alarming indicators) that provides the depth in the analysis. Luke noted when we use harmonic charts in conjunction with natal chart in readings, we are looking for aspect / energy patterns. We should take note on those that keep showing up in every chart as that represents a very strong signal.

Luke concluded that harmonics is a less travel path but worth considering as it provides further details that will be otherwise less likely to be picked up by simply using a natal chart. Harmonics discover further information about one’s drives, needs, wants, desires, pleasures, and karmic reasons for one’s lives and more. Luck also mentioned other harmonics that are used fairly often such as 11 and 13, and more research and observations are required so that we can learn more about this.


Speaker’s Report - August 2022


Speaker’s Report - March 2022