Speaker’s Report - February 2022

The Arrow of Change - Dr Neil Hair

Similar to last year, we have AANSW President Dr Neil Hair as our first speaker of the year. This year, Neil looks to the medium-term horizon and zoom in to the coming Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 2025 / 2026 and discuss its potential impact to the world.

Saturn-Neptune conjunction happens every 36 years and Neil noted each of these conjunctions coincided with some major events in the world with significant consequences. The last few conjunctions in the 20th century happened around (1) 1917 in Leo (raising of communism in Russia); (2) 1953 in Libra (the division of North and South Korea) and (3) 1989 in Capricorn (falling of Berlin Wall and bloodshed at Beijing Tiananmen Square). The one in 2025 /2026 will happen in Aries which a vibrant and forceful sign. All three of these earlier conjunctions has something to do with Communism, and to some extent, about authoritarian, rulership and dissolving of certain kind of barriers. If we look at the principle of the two planets, Saturn is near the opposite of Neptune. Saturn is about boundaries, foundation, pragmatic, individual nations, control, authority, and close borders; Neptune is about oneness, open-borders, compassion, and idealism. If we combine the two, we have a kind of no boundary’s idealism under a control authority (sounds very much like the kind of Communism we have in its pure form).

The interesting thing about the 2025 / 2026 Saturn-Neptune conjunction is that we also have Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Gemini forming a sextile on either side of the conjunction. As Neil pointed out, both Pluto and Uranus are related to change and transformation. It seems like while the main stage is playing out the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, the two Agent of Change are coming in as supporting actors. Neil noted it could potentially have more gravitas for the world than even the 3 previous ones. In fact, throughout the conjunction period, Aug 2025 will see one more character shows up on stage – Mars in early degrees of Libra briefly opposite Saturn-Neptune and will form the kite including Pluto Uranus – which could act as a trigger for the transformative features of the transit. Neil plotted the transit against some major countries’ chart (US, Russia, China, UK and Australia), and it showed each of them being impacted by this transit (though some more so than others).

The harmonious sextiles between these planets (separately) will start in 2023 with all planets come together in 2025. Neil then pushes the lens slightly out and we will see Jupiter in Leo come to the table - trine Neptune in Aries, sextile Uranus in Gemini, and opposite Pluto in Aquarius (while Pluto will trine Uranus) - in July 2026. Neil said the dance between these planets could be similar to those happened around 622 BC when new religion being born (Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction – birth of Islam).

Another interesting point being raised is, a few country charts have a Sun-Chiron square and Neil noted it could mean some form of healing or wounds would be coming out for those countries / leaders. US chart shows that it is having its Pluto return and Neptune opposite Neptune, and some of their worldviews may just be what they are experiencing as a nation rather than the reality. Neil believed they should move beyond and look for ‘new ways’ to resolve perceived conflicts (instead of going to war).

Neil explored the situation in China and its modern history in more details. He believes the reason why communism works (and still working) is because people is getting richer in general (once they moved to a version that combines Capitalism with Communism). He pointed out that we can see the Saturn element in play (authority and control) but there are certain side of Neptune missing (spirituality). With another conjunction coming up, it would be interesting to find out if the world will see the raise of Communism again (some believes China is pushing its kind of Communism to the world forcefully). If we were to view Saturn-Neptune conjunction as a sign of Communism, the 2025 / 2026 meeting of the two will be sandwiched by upheaval in human rights and independence (Pluto in Aquarius) and innovation and individuality mentally (Uranus in Gemini).

Interestingly, Neil pointed out that the way France President Emmanuel Macron’s view about the Russia-Ukraine crisis (prior to the current war) is much closer to the 2025 / 2026 transit makeup – a new order that is build on respect, compromise, and a fresh approach. On the other hand, Russia President Vladimir Putin’s numerology’s chart seems to show he will be held accountable for what he does and decides.

In the last part of the presentation, Neil dived further into how the 2025 / 2026 transit(s) would impact some of the countries. For example, US chart will be impacted in a major way as the country’s MC/IC axis will align with The Arrow of Change (Mars opposite the Saturn-Neptune conjunction sandwiched by Pluto and Uranus) and transiting Pluto will close in South Node in 2026 opposing transiting Jupiter.

For Russia, the Saturn-Neptune conjunction will square the country’s Sun (in Capricorn) while Pluto will semi-sextile the Sun (both could symbolise tricky situation). The Neptune square Sun will continue in 2026 and it could represent confusion around leadership.

China’s chart will also be impacted (both the morning and afternoon chart) in a significant way. The morning chart that has Moon in Aquarius will see transiting Pluto conjunct the Moon (the people) with Saturn-Neptune sextile the Moon and Uranus trine the Moon – all signify some kind of changes have to happen. In 2026, there will be a Sun-Neptune opposition. For the afternoon chart, Pluto will sit on the ASC and that would also be a significant transit. HK’s chart will have the Saturn-Neptune conjunction on the ASC in 2025. In 2026, it will only be Neptune on the ASC but aspect by Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto.

Lastly, Neil looked at the Australia chart. We are currently having transiting Neptune squaring Jupiter, Mercury, and Chiron, which will continue for quite some time. We will then have Neptune square Neptune soon after. Neil noted we have been seeing the impact of these transits over the last year or two already. For example, confusion, miscommunication, and fake news seemed to be around more (and likely to be continue too). Uranus grand trine to the Mars, Sun, and Saturn, however, given us the strengthen to resist being walking all over by others (for example, China). The challenge coming up will be Pluto in Capricorn will square ASC/DSC and it will be a bit tricky until we get to 2025, which will see Pluto getting closer to Australian MC. At that point we will see Uranus conjunct Australia’s South Node (plus Jupiter Neptune trine the North Node and Pluto sextile North Node). Neil believes that could signify the country leaving the past behind and have a re-birth, which he hopes our leader will use the energy in a positive way – to harmonise our Constitution and resolves the issues with the Aboriginal people.


Speaker’s Report - March 2022